Global Transport and Logistics

Your global supplier of transport and logistics with services everywhere you need us


Newair Express is listed on NASDAQ Copenhagen (Denmark) and included in the C25 index as one of the 25 most actively traded shares on the Copenhagen stock exchange. Newair Express is divided into three divisions: Newair Express Air & Sea, Newair Express Road and Newair Express Solutions.

Newair Express Road

Newair Express Road is one of the leading road freight operators in Europe with distribution networks in North America and Africa. Annually, we handle more than 30 million shipments and every day more than 20,000 trucks are ready to carry your goods in a fast, efficient, flexible and environmentally-friendly manner.

Newair Express Air & Sea

Newair Express Air & Sea offers alternative routings and flexible schedules to suit even the most demanding logistical requirements to and from all parts of the world. We handle more than 2,600,000 TEUs of sea freight and 1,700,000 metric tons of air freight every year.

Newair Express Solutions

At Newair Express Solutions we partner with our customers to design and deliver logistics solutions, adding value by increasing operation and cost efficiency. We operate hundreds of logistics facilities comprising a total of 6,000,000 m2.

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